How to Use the Life Of Purpose Planner

The Life of Purpose Planner is a 90-Day Planner designed to help you develop structure in all that you do so you can accomplish your goals. A quick review of the sheets.

Life of Purpose Planner in Depth

Weekly Review:

Every week, the user has a full spread to make a reflection of the previous week and begin preparing for improvement. The left page provides a side-by-side comparison of the week’s wins and losses; a space to identify any overarching theme experienced; meaningful moments to remember; and the prompts, “I am proud of myself for,” “I am not so proud of,” “I am grateful,” and “I am learning.” The right page offers a thorough examination of the five categories, note space for journaling, and a bulleted list for things to remember when planning out the following week.

This sheet provides a quick bird’s-eye view of the week for noting important dates, deadlines, or activities for each day; a chart for routine activities such as exercising, with fill-able bubbles to indicate which days they are done so the little things don’t get missed; top priorities and to-dos for the week; and a category checklist for one thing the user can do to improve each important area of their life. Finally, there are two prompts to keep positivity and motivation up one thing the person is looking forward to, and a way to reward themselves at the end of the week for a job well done.

The Life of Purpose Planner’s bread and butter is its daily pages, which allow you to plan out your hourly schedule, top three priorities, and to-dos; and to rate and reflect on the events of the day.

Daily Plan:

Like the rest of the productivity planner, the date is not pre-selected, but there is a space to fill it in, as well as an indicator of which day of the week it is, which helps when flipping back to the routine tasks section on the Weekly planner page. There is a pre-filled checkbox on the to-do list for these routine tasks, as well as one for habits—referencing the Habit Tracker section—and a prompt for one way the person can give of themselves that day: “Be your best self by.” On the top of the right page beside the date is a prompt: “Today is.” This can be used for holidays, birthdays, special occasions, or used for motivation, such as “Today is a new day,” or “going to be wonderful.” There is also a section labeled “Motivation” beneath the to-dos and schedule. This is a touch point for the user to remind themselves why it is important to finish their tasks, what they have to look forward to if they succeed—such as a reward at the end of the day—or a long-term goal that drives them to work hard, such as financial freedom or even something as big as reaching Heaven.

Daily Review:

Day View – No dates for your convenience.

The end-of-the-day review encourages a sort of simplified examination of conscience—a practice of reviewing one’s thoughts, words, actions, and omissions of the day, in order to determine where one stands with God. This is helpful in both a spiritual and professional sense. By reflecting on the highlights and lowlights of the day, writing down insights learned from the day’s experience, bringing to mind what one is most thankful for, and determining action for improvement the following day, users of the Purpose Planner will increase their focus, self-awareness, productivity, and determination to live their best life. Some note space allows for whatever they need to use it for journaling, productivity charts, meeting notes, grocery lists, doodles, et cetera.

  • Blank date & occasion

  • Top three priorities

  • Eight to-dos

  • Checkbox for routine tasks

  • Checkbox for habits

  • Prompts for best self

  • 6 am-10 pm schedule

  • Motivator box

  • 1-5 daily rating

  • Highlights & Low-lights

  • Insights, thankful, tomorrow


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