Discernment: Seeking the Will of God and Clarity in Decision Making
The will of God refers to God's plan and desires for His creation, including each individual's life. It encompasses God's divine providence and His desire for humanity to live in accordance with His teachings and commandments. Some key aspects of understanding the will of God include:
Seeking Union with God: The primary aspect of God's will is for individuals to seek union with Him and to grow in holiness. This involves developing a personal relationship with God through prayer, sacraments, and living a virtuous life.
Living in Accordance with God's Commandments: God's will is revealed through His commandments and teachings found in Scripture and the tradition of the Catholic Church. Following these moral guidelines allows individuals to align their lives with God's plan for holiness and righteousness.
Discerning One's Vocation or Mission: Each person has a unique calling, mission or vocation, whether it be to marriage, consecrated life, priesthood, or the single life. Discerning and embracing one's vocation is an important part of living in accordance with God's will.
Embracing the Universal Call to Holiness: All baptized individuals are called to holiness and to participate in the mission of the Church. This includes growing in virtue, practicing acts of love and mercy, and sharing the Gospel with others.
Using Gifts and Talents for God's Glory: God has endowed each person with unique gifts and talents. Discerning and utilizing these gifts for the service of God and others is an important aspect of living out God's will.
Surrendering to God's Providence: Recognizing that God's ways are higher than our own, individuals are called to surrender their own desires and plans to God's providential care. Trusting in His loving guidance, even in times of uncertainty or difficulty, is an essential aspect of living in His will.
Embracing the Cross: Following the example of Jesus, Catholics are called to embrace their crosses and sufferings, offering them to God for the redemption of humanity. This acceptance of suffering is part of God's will for individuals and can lead to spiritual growth and transformation.
Participating in the Mission of the Church: God's will includes active participation in the mission of the Church, which involves proclaiming the Gospel, serving others, and working towards the building of God's kingdom on earth.
Discerning the will of God involves seeking God's guidance and aligning one's life with His plan. Here are some practical steps to help you discern the will of God in everything:
Journaling, planning and reflection is key for reflection and discernment
Prayer: Establishing a regular prayer routine and spending time in silence, listening for God's voice is critical. Offering prayers of surrender and asking God to reveal His will to you. Seek the intercession of the Holy Spirit for guidance and wisdom.
Scripture: Studying and meditating on Scripture, as it is God's written Word. Reflecting on passages that relate to your situation or decisions you need to make. Allow God to speak to you through His Word and guide your understanding.
Sacraments: Regularly participating in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. Receiving the grace and strength that comes from these sacraments to help you discern God's will more clearly.
Spiritual Direction: Seeking the guidance of a trusted spiritual director or a priest. They can provide insight, wisdom, and accountability as you discern God's will. Share your thoughts, concerns, and questions with them, and listen to their counsel.
Consistency with Church Teaching: Ensuring that your discernment aligns with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Study the Catechism of the Catholic Church and consult reliable sources to understand the Church's stance on various matters.
Community: Engage with a supportive Catholic community, such as your parish or Catholic groups. Share your discernment journey with fellow Catholics who can offer advice, prayers, and support. Seek their input and perspective, keeping in mind that God can use others to guide you.
Interior Peace: Pay attention to the interior movements of your heart. Seek peace and consolation as you discern God's will. If a decision brings you peace and aligns with your values and the teachings of the Church, it may be a sign of God's guidance.
Patience and Trust: Discernment takes time and requires patience. Trust that God will reveal His will to you in His time. Avoid rushing decisions or succumbing to pressure. Place your trust in God's providence and His desire for your ultimate good.
Obedience and Action: Once you have discerned God's will, respond with obedience and take the necessary steps to follow His plan. Act in faith and trust, even if it involves stepping into the unknown or facing challenges. Seek God's grace and rely on His strength as you move forward.
Ultimately, living in the will of God means aligning one's life with His divine plan and seeking to grow in holiness and love. It involves a continual process of discernment, surrender, and obedience to God's guidance, as revealed through Scripture, the teachings of the Church, and the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Discernment is an ongoing process, and it is important to continually seek God's guidance throughout different seasons of life. Stay open to His promptings, and be willing to adjust your course as needed. Trust that God desires to guide you and that He will lead you according to His perfect will.